Wednesday, March 7, 2007

It is a bright new sun shiny day

Today i had an appointment with my radiology doctor. It went well.She was glad to see that i am feeling god and had more hair. Even though it is still very much thinner. Its hair i dont care if its pink yellow or blue. It hair. And it on my head.I am proud as a peacock. So anywho i had an appointment with the lady who fits people for prosthetic breasts after i saw my radiology doctor. Well as you may know if you have read my blog. I had breast reconstruction surgery in june of 06. However it didnt go well for me. After 3 months of fat necrosis and stuffing holes and a second surgery to repair the problems with the first surgery. I had 2 smaller areas of fat necrosis holes to stuff for about another month. needless to say what i ended up with is not pretty to look at unfortunately. And though i had the right side reduced to match the left side they built. The left side is much misshapen and smaller than the right. The doctor wants to do another complete surgery using tissue from my back to fix it. Well now that i am finally feeling normal after these 2 years of trials and tribulations there is no way i am going through this again. Thus the appointment with the "boob lady". Anyway i had already decided regardless of the out come i was done with surgery. So we met. And to tell you the truth i really didnt expect this to have a positive outcome. I just didnt think there would be a prosthesis that we could get to fit well over the bump i had there. Guess What? WE DID . HOORAY. I walked out of there as happy as a bug in a rug. With 2 MATCHING BOOBS!

That is not the plan i had in mind certainly. And knowing what i know now. I would never have had the surgery in the first place. But as they say hindsight is 20/20. So in a way i am back where i started. after my mastectomy. Wearing a fake Boob. But you know what its my body . And quite frankly scarlet "I just dont give a damn". So there you go. Thats my story and i`m sticking to it.


1 comment:

zennist said...

First of all, yay for hair! I used to be so picky about how my hair looked, but not anymore. A couple of days ago, it looked like a football perched on top of my head. It was a lot better than no hair! I'm glad to hear yours is coming back!

It's also great to hear that you were able to find a prosthesis that looks good. It is, indeed, your body and you alone get to make the decisions about what you're willing to endure. At a certain point, things just don't seem worth it to endure.

I hope you're having a great day!