Friday, January 5, 2007

Happy Birthday Cassie

Today is my granddaughter, Cassie`s, 15th birthday. It seems like only yesterday that she was a baby. I still remember the first time she touched me. When she was born they lived about 3 hours away and i didn't get to see them that often and as a result Cass didn't really get to know me until she was a few months old. She was a little afraid so i couldn't really hold her and love on her like i wanted to. we were visiting them and she was just learning to walk. she would hold on to the furniture and walk along. i was sitting on the couch and she was holding on to the couch beside me and she reached and put her little hand on my knee. That was the first time she had really reached out to me on her own. i will never forget that. i felt like we really came to know each other that very moment. she has always been so special to me. i don't know what it is about grand kids but they are just very special. i worry my but off about them. Cass and Miah both. but anyway Angie took Cass and a few friends skating tonight. i hope they have lots of fun. Happy birthday baby girl and remember you will always be my baby girl. love, nanny
She is Hot Stuff in her Redwings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


dadyslttlangl26 said...

yeah. wow no one ever told me that story. ever since then we have been closer than ever! thanks for eveything nanny! love Cass

zennist said...

What a lovely story...and a lovely granddaughter!